Latest News

- Thursday 5th March 2020
Free entry for fire service people
We are offering free entry to rural and state fire service members and their families to say thank you for all that they do!

- Wednesday 22nd January 2020
Make a wish this Lunar New Year
Tie your wish to our Wishing Bridge this Lunar New Year.

- Monday 26th August 2019
4 Breathtaking Family-Friendly Walks near Melbourne
If the whole family’s keen to tread the trails, seize the motivation and plan your plodding. Here are some great walks that can be found between Melbourne and Otway to entice your gang to get striding.

- Friday 23rd August 2019
Follow the Dragon's Footsteps
Fly into Otway Fly Treetop Adventures for an exciting new adventure these school holidays. Children are invited to embark on a mystical journey through the 300m trail in the forest to follow the dragon’s footsteps.

- Thursday 20th June 2019
Are you ready for your forest adventure?!
These school holidays, fly into Otway Fly Treetop Adventures for a brand new activity! Partnering with Animal Planet, Otway Fly is inviting all children to create their very own storybook as they journey through the rainforest.